Saturday, January 5, 2013


I hate having plastic over my windows. But, I would hate frozen pipes even more. So, the other day when I saw my breath as I walked in the sunroom and the thermometer read 40F, I decided it was time to seal myself in for the winter.  

Libby came over and helped me stick the plastic up. Then we rewarded ourselves with a fun job, and started pots of lettuce and spinach. We also decided to experiment with forcing daffodil bulbs. 

I was so tired that night I lay in bed but couldn't fall asleep. The next morning my body didn't want to get out of bed. But it was worth it to see the hints of spring in my winterized sunroom. 


  1. Better to sealed in with plastic over the windows for the winter than being sewn in ones long underwear for the season like the Eskamo did (do?).

  2. It looks marvelous! Spring comes early on Poseyville road :)

  3. Lovely photos! I understand about the plastic, but I guess if it helps... You have a nice cozy house.
