Friday, January 5, 2024



Libby and I met at the library the other day and asked a librarian to help us find children's books about grief. We came back with a stack that we previewed (and cried over) and set aside three to read with Betsy's children.

I loved the simplicity of Eva Eland's When Sadness is at Your Door so much that I ordered a copy for myself and one for a friend. 

Ida, Always, by Caron Levis, is based on a true story about two bears. The children like the part of the book where the bears respond to news of Ida's illness by growling. 

When Goodbye is Forever by Lois Rock can be a good starting place for discussions about death and loss. 

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing this list.
    What a wonderful way to help the little people in your family... and the little one inside yourselves.
