Sunday, December 24, 2023

At the Edge of Grief


I stand at the edge of my grief, 

frightened by its power. 

I will be swept away by its current. 

Can I wade around the edges 

without becoming submerged? 

My grief is too deep. 

It will surround me, 

cover me. 

It will suck my breath away 

for a moment or perhaps forever. 

It is immeasurably vast. 

I may sink and sink, 

yet never reach the bottom, 

with no strength to even struggle.

I have seen some 

who have drowned in their grief. 

But, there are others 

who clinging to the edge, 

become shriveled and withered.

I cannot stay at the edge. 

Trembling, I plunge forward 

into my grief.


  1. My prayer for you, Amy...
    that in the overwhelming depth of your grief you will find that nothing can separate you from the love of God, and that in the darkness His light and life and love within you rises to surprise you in a way you have never experienced before.
    I love you!

  2. I have prayed for you, Amy, that you will allow yourself to sit in your grief for a time, and let it wash over and through you. It will be painful and gut-wrenching, but it will also be healing. Praying for you and your family daily.
