Thursday, January 18, 2024

Snowed in, power out


I may have been the only adult who was excited to wake up on Saturday morning to find themselves snowed in without electricity.

I had heat from my gas heat stove, and I was able to light my cooking stove with a match, and I had plenty of snow. 

So, I gathered snow. I melted, boiled and filtered some of it for drinking and washing. Most of it I set in the warmest part of the house to melt to use to flush the toilet.

Do you know how much water it takes to flush a toilet?
Do you know how much snow it take to melt to get that much water?
Do you know how long it takes for the snow to melt?... Less time than it takes for my bladder to fill. 

I enjoyed my snowed-in, electric-less adventure (I read an entire book from the library). but I was happy when the power was restored again Saturday evening and I could flush my toilet with barely any effort. 


  1. Haha! You're funny. I'm glad you were warm, got to read an entire book, and flush your toilet. This gives new meaning to "snow day."

  2. Sounds like a worthwhile adventure! Reminds me of the 4-day power outage when we lived in Midland. The kids were thrilled—they still remember the “fried pizza” we managed to make for dinner!:-)
