Friday, July 25, 2008

Reason #6

Why I enjoy running the blueberry farm
God cares about blueberry sales
We've picked lots of blueberries this week--more than we will be able to sell at the Farmers' Market. God caused the blueberries to grow; He watered them with rain and ripened them with sunshine. He enabled us to pick quarts of berries. Yesterday we asked that He would send us customers.
This morning I opened an email requesting forty pounds of berries. While I was at the farm, a man stopped by the house and bought a ten pound box. When I returned home, I had a note saying a woman had called and would stop by this evening for a ten pound box.
God cares about blueberry sales. 


  1. Amy...just out of curiousity, how many quarts of blueberries makes a pound?

    That is awesome how God provided customers. What a wonderful answer to prayer!

    Mrs. Osborne

  2. A quart is about one and a half pounds.
