Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Another idiom

My sidekick was at college yesterday afternoon and was unable to assist me as I explored the intricacies of the English language. I think she consumed the best of the bananas before she left. Thus, this is my feeble attempt at portraying an idiomatic phrase.


  1. It's so weird...I can never get these until someone else figures them out, and then I think, "of course! That was so obvious!" The only thing that comes to my feeble mind right now is "going bananans!"

    ~ Betsy

  2. Yes. It's going bananas (sorry, it's only one banana). Next time, maybe my assistant will be available and we can do better.

  3. I got home and found this little guy sitting at my place...
    sorry I wasn't able to be there to help :)
    we'll do better next time
