Sunday, September 14, 2008

Lazy T Ranch

David, Brian, and Caleb amused themselves while remaining relatively dry. 

Friday and Saturday our church met at the Lazy T Ranch for our annual camping outing. I was only at the camp for a few hours on Saturday, but the rain arrived at midnight and continued all day. 

It was Brother and Sister Potteiger's 45th wedding anniversary and we celebrated with banners, balloons and cake.

It was a warm, persistent rain.

Brother and Sister Byler on the porch of their six-person cabin 
(six non-claustrophobic persons). 

Brother and Sister Potteiger prepare to feed each other carrot cake. 

Julie hangs a banner in honor of the Potteiger's anniversary. 


  1. Leave it to the rain to make camping fun. : ) I'm almsot glad I wasn't there. With Kaelyn that would have been a chore!

  2. Our last time with you for an outing was 2002. This time of year brings back memories.
    Wish we could have been with you this year. Maybe it would have helped.
    I love you and miss you.

  3. That looks like tons of fun!! Bets invited me, but I had to be here this weekend. It rained here too though....blech....
