Monday, April 23, 2012


The cement pour on Friday was delayed due to the weather. It rained. The cement trucks are scheduled to come today.


  1. I was wondering....hope all pours well. I'm sure the pour supervisor is watching out today cheering on the crew.

  2. Yu pour chil'rn...
    Havin' ta wate til the ranen stops...
    Gotta sit on the porch swing with the yung'ins and jes waet out da strms.

    Unc K

    Hop'n fer a sunney da fer ya suun, fellers and lade's!!! Heiv Ho and all th't jaz... Rmember to keep yur sun belly up! Ain't ner dun no good t' be moepin roun bout a thin like thisern. No way, sir-ee. Ain't becom'in of a yung gent or lady. Hapy sunshine to you'in urs.
