Saturday, April 21, 2012

His & her views

What Joel would see at the Cookie House.

What Judith would see.


  1. wow....I head about the riding mover but I didn't know you and J had acquired a tractor!

    do you suppose Joel and Judith would smell different smells at the Cookie house too?

  2. Those are both beautiful pictures, but I really enjoy that second one the best! We've been teaching Kaelyn the name brands that go along with the color of the tractor. And she remembers fairly well. We mostly see green John Deere, red Case, and blue New Holland.

  3. These pictures are both beautiful in their own way. I remember having a toy like the first picture so it is cool to see the real thing. The second picture reminds me of spring and the lilac bush outside my window growing up. Quite a diversity at the Cookie house.
