Thursday, June 9, 2011


Albert Sleeper State Park
The  beaches may have been crowded on Memorial Day, but they were nearly deserted one week later when I had the day off for a Korean holiday. 

When I renewed my vehicle registration, I purchased a Recreation Passport, procuring the Beachy Buggy's entry into any state park in Michigan. Mom, Libby, Naomi and I took advantage of the offer on Monday when we visited both the Albert Sleeper State Park and the Port Crescent State Park. 

It was a splendid way to spend a Korean holiday.

(Even if you don't have a Recreation Passport, you can visit any state park for free with a Park and Read Pass available from participating libraries)


  1. Hummm...park and read pass-sounds perfect for me, well...except for the drive :(

  2. What a great way to spend a holiday! The beach looks delightful.
