An 11th grade student who is not studying Frankenstein
Saturday morning I spewed forth a week's worth of the formal lesson plans required by the University as part of my student teaching experience. This is my lesson plan for Monday when my supervisor comes to observe 4th hour. I think this is another post my siblings will categorize as "boring." So please don't feel compelled to read the entire multi-page document, unless, of course, you are enthralled with Frankenstein and lesson plans.
Class British Literature, 11th grade
Content Focus Frankenstein Chapters V-VI
Content Standards
CE 3.2 Read and respond to classic and contemporary fiction, literary non-fiction, and expository text, from a variety of literary genres representing many time periods and authors (e.g. myth, epic, folklore, drama, poetry, autobiography, novels, short stories, philosophical pieces, science fiction, fantasy, young adult literature, creative non-fiction, hypertext fiction).
The purpose of this lesson is for students to begin to visualize the story of Frankenstein.
Special Needs Approach
Students may access additional resources, such as study guides and audio versions of the book (librivox.com) to aid their comprehension of the novel.
- Copy of Frankenstein for each student
- Copy of Chapter VII-X study guide for each student
- Frankenstein: The Making of a Monster movie
- Blank paper for students to use for drawing
Performance ObjectiveEach student will create a picture of Frankenstein's monster, using at least five specific references from the text to guide them in their rendition.
Begin the class with 5-10 minutes of silent reading of books of students' choice. Have students place completed study guides on their desks to be checked. While students are reading, walk around the room and check students' study guides. After 5-10 minutes, have students respond to the prompt, "Create an alternative title for you book" on their reading cards.
Instructional Method
Ask students to summarize what happened in chapters V and VI. Review study guide questions. Ask if students have any questions. Point out foreshadowing on page 35 with Victor's dream of Elizabeth. Talk about the cause of Frankenstein's illness. What might be the diagnosis today? Talk about Victor's family members (father, Elizabeth, Ernst, William, Justine). Discuss Frankenstein's new pursuit of language study. Point out the quote from the "Rime of the Ancient Mariner." Tell students that we will read the poem tomorrow and they need to bring their textbooks to class.
View short segments from the Frankenstein movie ("Myths," "Alchemy"). Discuss the movie. Tell students that we will talk more about Prometheus later in the week.
Guided Practice
Tell students to open their books to page 35 and re-read the description of the monster. Instruct students to draw a picture of the monster, referring to the description in the text. They must include at least five quotes of the description of the monster to support their rendition of the monster. Challenge students to draw the monster as Mary Shelley envisioned it, not as it is portrayed in movie rendition (i.e. the monster is not green). Collect pictures of the monster at the end of class.
Students may spend the rest of class time silently reading Frankenstein and completing the corresponding study guide questions. Pass out the VII-X study guide and inform students that it is due on Tuesday.
Ask if any student would like to share his/her drawing with the class. Remind students to bring their textbooks to class on Tuesday.
Collect the drawings of the monster to see if they correspond to the description in the text (and not the movie versions).
Re-teaching Have students get in small groups to discuss the differences between the movie renditions of Frankenstein and the description in the text.
Independent Practice Have students finish reading chapters V-VI and complete the study guide.
Extension Activity Continue reading with chapter VII.